The organiser: Zavod za turizem in šport Kamnik


Contact person: Nina Irt


Event's Website:

Fest Mest Kamnik

Good News

Good news from Kamnik! Until 22 September, you can experience an exciting art project that creates a unique dialogue between the renowned Belgian artist William Sweetlov and contemporary artists from six countries. The Good News! project includes distinctive Sweetlov’s sculptures which you can find in the Volčji Potok Arboretum, exhibitions in the old town centre of Kamnik and in many surprising locations throughout town, including a major exhibition in the Miha Maleš Gallery, which will reveal Sweetlov’s fascinating creative chronology.


Art project Dobre novice I Kamnik I FEST MEST

The Good News project: This Kamnik project invites you to discover the world of the renowned Belgian artist William Sweetlove in unique and surprising locations.

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